Wednesday, July 4, 2012


So, I am going back to school this fall. I am torn between working on my RN or getting a B.A. in health care management. Right now, I am an LPN and I have an AA in business. At this point, I am leaning toward the B.A. Either way, I am making the moves to get started in August. But with this comes a huge price tag!!  

One way I am thinking of cutting down my expense? RENTING TEXT BOOKS. Do you know how many books I spent money on and never used? I have probably 15 just laying around the house. They are just giving our dust bunnies a place to sleep.

Instead of wasting money, I am planning to use *CAMPUS BOOK RENTALS* . What a great idea. I wish I would of knew about this company when I was in college working on my associate degree.

*Cheaper (save up to 90% off prices at the book store)
*Free shipping BOTH ways
*30 day risk free returns
*You *CAN* highlight in the books
*They have a referral program

How awesome is that? You are getting a GREAT deal and helping operation smile.Which is a great program that provides *FREE* surgeries to repair cleft palate and other facial deformities to children around the world.

I wanted to do a little price comparison to make sure I am getting a great deal. Here is an example of a book that I will need:

College Math book at Campus book rentals   Price: 51.70


This same book at amazon New 144.51 or USED 95.85

You will get a savings of 92.81 compared to the new book from amazon. That is truly a way to make a dolla holla so I will be renting my text books from  campusbookrentals.

Here is a little video to give you some more information *and* will teach you some awesome dance moves (they got moves, don't they?)

*Disclaimer: I was paid to do a review for All opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.*

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good way to get books. Luckily, I'm through with school, and I haven't been out long enough to want to go back yet lol!


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